Control and audit service

Tauragė district municipality Control and audit service

Control and audit service is an entity that supervises the lawful, efficient, economic and effective management and use of municipal property and trust-managed state property, the execution of the municipal budget and the use of other monetary resources.

Respublikos str. 2, Tauragė 72255

+370 655 17 260

Working hours:
I-IV: 8:00 h. - 12:00 h. and 12:45 h.- 17:00 h.
V: 8:00 h. - 12:00 h. and 12:45 h. – 15:45 h.

Employees of the Control and audit service

Municipal controller

Kostė Čiapienė

+370 655 17 260

Cabinet No. 309


Beata Mockienė

+370 644 89 448

Cabinet No. 303

Chief Specialist

Eva Bagdonienė

+370 672 64 128

Cabinet No. 303

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